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Branches of Tree of Heaven climate change resistant tree care
Planting Trees

Climate Change-Resistant Tree Care

Between wildfires, heat records and excess rainfall, climate change is a big topic this summer. What does climate change mean for your trees, and how can you conduct climate change-resistant tree care? Trees are a key part of our climate and ecosystem, so there are many ways they can impact climate change. There are lots

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Your Tree Resolutions for 2022

In early January, the only tree on your mind may be a drying-out Christmas tree and how long you’ll hold out before taking it down. But the beginning of the year is the perfect time to think about your outdoor trees and how you’ll care for them this year! 1. Get Your Tree Pruned You

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Spruce Christmas trees in a snowy forest Photo Dominika Gregusova Pexels
Plant Healthcare

How Christmas Trees Get Their Look

Christmas trees have a distinctive shape — perfect for decorating with tree ornaments and lights, easy to turn into kindergarten craft projects. Unlike deciduous trees that lose their leaves in fall, the evergreens we use for holiday decorating — pines, spruces, firs and others — keep their needles and tend to grow in a pyramid

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Armillaria mushrooms growing at the base of a tree
Plant Healthcare

Why Do I Have Mushrooms on My Trees?

Armillaria mushrooms can be a sign of root rot Mushrooms on trees may seem like a normal part of the ecosystem, but unfortunately, most of the time they indicate a problem. In the spring, you may see clusters of small brown-capped mushrooms growing at the base of your trees. These are armillaria mushrooms, also known

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Tall trees on a Toronto street ready for tree fertilizer
Plant Healthcare

Why Use Natural Fertilizer

Most gardeners know that using fertilizer in your garden is necessary, but do you know that natural fertilizer can benefit your trees as well? Since trees can keep growing with poor or no maintenance, homeowners often don’t realize there’s a benefit to fertilizing trees too. Benefits of Natural Fertilizer If your tree is suffering from

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Rotting roots at base of large deciduous tree Phytophthora root rot
Plant Healthcare

Phytophthora Root Rot: What You Need to Know

Phytophthora Can Be Treated What is phytophthora root rot? Despite the tongue-twisting name, it’s a common issue in Ontario plants, but it can often go unnoticed. Phytophthora is a common disease in both landscape plants and crops in southern Ontario. Caused by an organism similar to fungi, also called a water mould (or oomycete), there

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Tree Pruning

Summer Limb Failure: Why a Branch Fails in Summer Weather

It’s expected that branches may fall during a summer thunderstorm or wind storm, but what happens if a branch breaks during calm summer conditions? This is known as summer limb failure, and it can happen in warm and hot weather. What is this phenomenon, and what does it mean for your tree? What Is Summer

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Decaying tree stump removal
Tree Removal

Why Should I Bother With Tree Stump Removal?

Stump Grinding 101 So you’ve had a tree removed, or perhaps inherited a tree stump or several from a previous resident. Tree stump removal is an extra expense. Is it worth removing your stump? There are a few ways to get rid of a tree stump, but stump grinding is the method we recommend in

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Dead cedars suffering from cedar mites
Plant Healthcare

What Are Spider Mites Doing on My Cedar Trees?!

Tiny Cedar Mites Can Cause Big Problems Though not actually spiders, spider mites on cedar trees can cause damage on your cedar, juniper and cypress plants. If you’re a gardener, you may already be familiar with garden mites that damage plants like tomatoes. Unfortunately, cedar mites and other tree mites can be harmful to your

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