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Branches of Tree of Heaven climate change resistant tree care
Planting Trees

Climate Change-Resistant Tree Care

Between wildfires, heat records and excess rainfall, climate change is a big topic this summer. What does climate change mean for your trees, and how can you conduct climate change-resistant tree care? Trees are a key part of our climate and ecosystem, so there are many ways they can impact climate change. There are lots

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Red fall leaves and bare branches on deciduous tree prepare trees for winter
Plant Healthcare

How to Prepare Your Trees and Garden for Winter

We may not all be ready to admit it, but winter is coming. Avid gardeners prepare their gardens for winter, but do you know how to prepare your trees and shrubs for winter? Just like us, trees are affected by cold temperatures too! When you’re clearing away dead plants in your flower or vegetable garden

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Hazy sky and red sun from air pollution over Toronto Photo Designocologist Pexels
Plant Healthcare

Protecting Your Trees Against Pollution

We know trees are beneficial against pollution. But how can you protect your trees against pollution? Trees help capture carbon, reduce particles in the air, and reduce water pollution by preventing soil erosion. They also reduce noise pollution in busy areas, and have a secondary effect on reducing some other types of pollution: tree-lined streets

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