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Neighbour Trees

What to Do If… My Neighbour’s Tree Fell on My House

Experiencing a neighbour’s tree falling onto your house can be an incredibly nerve-wracking and daunting situation. In addition to dealing with the immediate aftermath of the incident, you’ll also have to consider potential legal and insurance implications.  In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into various aspects related to having a neighbour’s tree fall

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Ice storm damage, close up of heavy ice on tree branches
Tree Pruning

Ice Storm Tree Damage

With wild winter weather, you may worry if your trees will bear the brunt of ice storm tree damage. How likely is it that your trees may become damaged in a winter storm? If your tree has already been damaged, what do you do now?

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Tree Pruning

Summer Limb Failure: Why a Branch Fails in Summer Weather

It’s expected that branches may fall during a summer thunderstorm or wind storm, but what happens if a branch breaks during calm summer conditions? This is known as summer limb failure, and it can happen in warm and hot weather. What is this phenomenon, and what does it mean for your tree? What Is Summer

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