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Two Vista arborists in PPE on the ground conducting west end Toronto tree removal
Plant Healthcare

What’s the Difference Between an Arborist and a Landscaper?

Arborist vs Landscaper: Are Arborists Landscapers? As a homeowner, you may wonder what the difference is between a landscaper and an arborist. Do they do the same thing? Can you call one person to manage all of your outdoor plant-related work? Though there is crossover, arborists are your tree doctors: the people to look to

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Cedar container trees
Planting Trees

Trees to Plant in Containers

Do you have space for a container tree? So you want to plant a tree in your home, but space is tight, really tight. Fortunately, almost everyone has space for container trees. Whether you have a porch, balcony, or a small yard without an appropriate space for a tree or enough clearance from the house,

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Hazy sky and red sun from air pollution over Toronto Photo Designocologist Pexels
Plant Healthcare

Protecting Your Trees Against Pollution

We know trees are beneficial against pollution. But how can you protect your trees against pollution? Trees help capture carbon, reduce particles in the air, and reduce water pollution by preventing soil erosion. They also reduce noise pollution in busy areas, and have a secondary effect on reducing some other types of pollution: tree-lined streets

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